Day4- siblings

July 13, 2010 § 1 Comment

From young
—> To Older.

Dear sister:

God makes us sisters, but life made us friends.

Sometimes you are dark

Sometimes you are a bright

Sometimes you are talkative

And sometimes you are quiet

Sometimes you are smelly

Sometimes you smell like daisies

Sometimes you are messy

And sometimes you are neat

Sometimes I want to kill you

Sometimes I want to hug you

Sometimes I want to strangle you

And sometimes I want to kiss you

Sometimes I want to tape your mouth

Sometimes I want you to blabber

Sometimes I want you to get out

Sometimes I just want you by my side

Sometimes you owe me money

Now you owe me a penthouse!

Well, that’s what sisters do to each other right? So, I want to thank you for always,without fail be by my side. We will always be together!

*to my brother. I wrote one for you before(: I Love you too

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